4H Livestock Registration

You can mail a completed form from the book to the following address or you can email Mark at

Cumberland Farmer’s Club
c/o Mark Cooper
81 Chute Rd.
Windham, ME 04062
Tel: 207-892-7276
For Maine Association of Livestock Exhibitors Membership form, visit: www.mainelivestockexhibitors

Attention Horse Owners
Important Notice


The Cumberland Farmers Club has recently enacted a restriction concerning the very real threat of the Equine Herpes Virus, Type 1 (EHV-1)

Effective immediately, all horses entering the facilities must be vaccinated for EHV (rhinopneumonitis) and equine influenza within the calender year. Proof of vaccination should be listed on the Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (required for all horses entering the State of Maine) or on a certificate of vaccination signed by the owner’s practicing veterinarian. (Please remember that any horse entering the state also needs to have a negative Coggins test with the previous 6 months)

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