Officers, Department Heads and Members

Officers Area Code
Theodore Googins
64 Shaker Rd Gray ME 04039 318-2078
Vice President  
Treasurer Jeff Steinman
PO BOX 745 Cumberland ME 04021




Elizabeth Tarantino
29 Daffodil Ln. Cumberland ME 04021 504-7032
Tammy Sawyer
196 Falmouth Rd. Falmouth ME 04105 272-6961
Mark Cooper
81 Chute Rd. Windham ME 04062 892-7276
Andrew Dugas
77 Woodland Dr Yarmouth ME 04096 671-3231
Bill Webster
413 Roosevelt Trail Windham ME 04062 831-0608
Daniel Fossett
6 Union Rd. Cumberland, ME 04021 829-6465

Sonja Nielsen
201 Roosevelt Trail Windham, ME 04062 650-2729
Livestock Mark Cooper
81 Chute Rd. Windham ME 04062 892-7276
Pulling Horses & Oxen Tammy Sawyer
196 Falmouth Rd Falmouth ME 04105 272-6961
Show Steer & Ox, Draft Horse & Pony – Shows and Events Lexi Merrifield
PO Box 143 New Vineyard, ME 04956 415-3003
Tractor/Truck Pulls, Motorized Events Andy Dugas
77 Woodland Dr. Yarmouth ME 04096 671-3231
Exhibition Hall Carolyn Small
 273 Tuttle Rd. Cumberland, ME 04021 415-4589
Horticulture Building Jim Googins
245 Greely Rd No. Yarmouth, ME 04097 632-8583
Commercial Exhibits Sonja Nielsen
201 Roosevelt Trail Windham,  ME 04062 650-2729
Harness Racing Michael Timmons
160 Bruce Hill Rd Cumberland ME 04021 653-9783
Deb Matthews
25 Lookout Lane Windham,  ME 04062 756-9805
Winter Storage/Midway Jon Bickford
PO BOX 1644 Gray, ME 04039 310-4282
Gate & Security T. Sawyer
12 Justine’s Way Windham, ME 04062 712-6199
 Grounds Maintenance Dan Fossett
6 Union Rd. Cumberland, ME 04021 829-6465
Entertainment/Website/Fair Publications/Facebook Elizabeth Tarantino
29 Daffodil Ln Cumberland, ME 04021 504-7032
Museum Molly Bellefleur
PO Box 851 Gray  ME 04032 415 5678
Camping Tom Matthews (fair week and seasonal)
25 Lookout Lane Windham ME 04062 756-9738
Pedal Tractor Pulls Danielle Roberge
15 Acorn St. Gorham, ME 04038 699-6795
Fair Electrician Ted Googins
64 Shaker Rd Gray, ME 04039 318-2078

Cumberland Farmers Club Membership

Allen, Andrew  1997

Allen, Dennis  2008

Allen, Lisa  2011

Allen Jr, Philip  1998

Ambrose, Judy  2007

Ames II, John  2006

Barasel, Paul  2018

Bartlett, Tim  2006

Bellefleur, Molly  2016

Bickford, Jonathan  2010

Bickford, Jonathan Jr  2021

Brannigan, Anthony  1978

Briggs, Valery  2009

Brogan, Paul  1989

Brogan, William  2023

Brown, Andrew  1984

Burnell, Kerry  1989

Burnell, Kerry A  2016

Burr, Daniel  1993

Burr, Jonathan  1994

Carr, William  1992

Chandler, Aaron  2010

Cochran, Larry  2010

Cooper, Gaylene  2010

Cooper, Leon Jr  1980

Cooper, Mark  1987

Cooper, Paula  1998

Copp, Jason  2002

Copp, Stephanie  2010

Corey, Robert  1984

Davis, Jeffrey  2000

Dobransky, Lou  2019

Dolby, Tim  2012

Doyle, Donald  1993

Dubay, Joe  2015

Dugas, Andy  2010

Dugas, Deb  2019

Emery, Heath  2005

Estabrook, Mary Joan 2005

Fenderson, Donna 2001

Fenderson, John 1993

Fenderson, John W Jr.  2010

Fischer, Patricia  2012

Fischer, William  1980

Fischer William RM 2023

Fossett, Dan  1990

Gaffer, Art  2016

Gagnon, Philip  1995

Gagnon Jr, Philip  2012

Gallagher, Paul  2000

Gardner, Jake  2022

Googins, Corey  2010

Googins, James  2008

Googins, Josh  2022

Googins, Kevin  2017

Googins, Russell  1985

Googins, Steven  1992

Googins, Theodore  1984

Grant, Jeff  2007

Grant, Jennifer  2011

Grant, Randy  2018

Grover, Lee  2022

Gumaer, Eric  2007

Hall, Derek  2021

Hall, Donald  1978

Hall, George  1957

Haskell, Clayton  1992

Haskell, Michael  1998

Hawkes, James  1980

Hayward, Adam  2021

Hayward, Andrew  2016

Hayward, John  2016

Hessert, Steven  1989

Hilton, Frank III  1996

Hodgdon, Kermit  2022

Kimball, Chris  2002

Kimball, Jamie Lamb  1997

Kimball, Herbert  1983

Kinney, Fred  2007

Lamb, Tim  2001

Landry, David  1980

Larrabee, Patricia  1998

Libby, Richard  1978

Lillard, Joe  2018

Maloney, Mary  2009

Maloney, Robert  1957

Maloney, Tim  2018

Matthews, Deb  2019

Matthews, Tom  2019

McCarthy, Joe  2016

McDonald, Clarke  2023

Meehan, Glenn  1992

Merrifield, Jo-Ann  2011

Merrifield, Levi  2018

Merrifield, Lexi  2014

Merrifield, Lyle**  2008

Merrill, Linc  1996

Michaud, Lori  2019

Mitchell, Robert  2001

Moon, Blaine  2007

Moon, Brittany  2019

Moulton, Joe  2023

Moulton, Matt  2023

Moulton, Zack  2021

Morrill, Richard  1980

Nielsen, Sonja  2015

Palmer, Heidi  2013

Palmer, James  2019

Partridge, Jeff  2010

Phipps. William  2016

Pierce, Robert  2018

Pollard, Andrea  2019

Pollock, Allison  2015

Prevost, Richard  2000

Richards, Donald  1974

Roberge, Danielle  2021

Rogers, Raymond  2002

Ryan, Thomas  1993

Sawyer, David  2013

Sawyer, Katie  2019

Sawyer, T  2017

Sawyer, Tammy  2017

Sherwood, Cynthia  2000

Shores, Douglas Jr.  1989

Skelton, Michaela  2012

Small, Alan  1981

Small, Carolyn  1998

Small, Charlie  2005

Small, David  1983

Small, Francis *  1961

Small, George  1973

Small, Jordan 2015

Steinman, Jeff  1992

Stiles, William  1987

Storey, Robert  1997

Stultz, William  2002

Switzer, Kevin  2006

Tarantino, Elizabeth  2008

Taylor, Ann Marie  2013

Taylor, Bryan  2010

Taylor-Gagnon, Judy 2023

Thompson, Carl  1992

Timmons, Margaret (Peggy)  2018

Timmons, Michael*  1993

Tyler, Thomas  1985

Watson, Wally  2017

Webster, Robert  1982

Webster, Stacey 2022

Webster, William 1991

Weed, Clayton  2000

Weeman, Craig  1989

Weeman, Julie  1997

Wells, Charles  1998

Wells, Linda  2005

Whitcomb, Charles  1998

Wilson, Gary  1981

Winship, Edwin  2011

Winship, Gary  1981

Winship, Oliver  2011

Winship, Ron Jr  2022

Winslow, Mark  1978

Winslow, Stefan  2022

Wormell, Leroy  1982

Wormell, Peter  1982

*Past Presidents

**Current President




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